Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cat Naps

This picture is for those of you, (namely my fellow PA classmates) who have had one heck of a week so far---and it's only Tuesday! To those of you who wish your life were as easy as a cat's with no worries, just sleeping, eating, and playing all of the time, take a deep breath in......................now exhale slowly.....................deep breath in.....................exhale slowly.........................deep breath in.............................exhale slowly...............................

Now think about something good that happened today, (because no matter how horrible a day has been, there is always something good that has happened---whether it was a compliment you received or your sandwich at lunch) and SMILE!

Don't just read it, even if you think it's silly, even if you have to use your hands to pick up the corners of your mouth----show some teeth!!!!!  : D

I may not admit to being a cat lady, but I will admit to being a chronic optimist!

I hope that the rest of your week is spectacular and that the days that don't seem so at first will challenge you to actively look for the good. I am a firm believer that when you choose to look for the positive, the negative---though ever-present, will not be as easy to dwell upon. :)

Until next week,


Disclaimer: I want to state that, contrary to popular belief, I am NOT a cat lady! My cat just happens to sleep a lot and give me some cute pictures! ;)

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