1. "The partial smile" - the heh, I'm trying to be polite but not really feeling like smiling right now smile.
2. "The cheezy smile" - the ok, let's get this over with---quick flash of teeth---then we're done smile.
3. "The genuine smile" - the best kind! Usually happens when someone is caught off guard, sincerely laughing, or their true emotions are captured candidly.
I love that last type! It's what I aim for because, no matter what the rest of your face is doing in that picture, that smile makes it look great! In order to attain a type 3 smile I have developed a pretty impressive repertoire of corny jokes, if I do say so myself! If I have taken pictures of you before, you have probably heard a few....or at least my bear joke..... :)
One more great thing about type 3 smiles: when you see them, it's hard not to have one yourself! Take a look at these pictures and prove me wrong! :)
Until next week! Joy.