Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cabin Fever!

Although I am a physician assistant student and know that cabin fever is not a real disease, I still cannot help feeling like I am suffering from it! So I did a little research and found this information about cabin fever:

"Cabin fever, while not an actual disease as the name suggests, is a state of restlessness, depression and irritability brought on by an extended stay in a confined space or a remote, isolated area. The lack of environmental stimulation can have real, tangible side effects that have a detrimental impact on anyone suffering from cabin fever. There is little documented evidence, but many speculate that those who may already be mentally unbalanced can be dramatically affected by cabin fever.

Historians speculate that the term cabin fever was first used to describe early U.S. settlers who experienced long winters in their log cabins, snowed in until the spring thaw. The term is dated to the 19th century by the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms and is first recorded in 1918, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary. The origins of the term may also date from the time of frequent oceanic crossings, when people endured the long passage across the Atlantic in small, cramped quarters below the deck of a ship. In addition, during outbreaks of disease, people were often confined or quarantined to their homes in the effort to prevent its spread. Cabin fever would have surely been a result in either of these situations.

Reading, board games and card games may help, but getting outdoors and engaging in physical activity may be the only real “cure.” Many people who live in the northern U.S. cross-country ski, snowshoe or snowmobile as outdoor activities. Calling a friend, or simply trying to get a change of scenery, may help as well."  http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-cabin-fever.htm

I don't know if you're suffering from "cabin fever" or not this week, but I am definitely willing to try a change of scenery to relieve my symptoms like the article suggests! Since I cannot physically change my scenery, I thought I could at least imagine being someplace not covered with snow!

I had to rummage through some old pictures of mine from a spring break trip a few years ago to find a nice warm place to set as my desktop, but I found one! Please enjoy and think sunny thoughts for me! Have a great week! :)

I have not really mentioned my copyright policy in a post yet, but I guess now is a good time. I would love for you to enjoy my pictures and want you to feel free to use them for personal use as your desktop or whatever! (Especially this one for curing cabin fever!) The only things I ask are:
  • That you leave my watermark, logo, or name attached to the picture at all times. (This means no cropping or altering of my images in any circumstance unless you obtain written permission from me.)
  • Also, please do not use pictures containing models as this is not included in their release contracts and is an invasion of their privacy.
  • Lastly, please do not attempt to print off my pictures from this site----it's illegal! If you would like any prints, just let me know! I can print and ship them to you at a very low cost! (Plus they will be of much better quality!)
In anything, I would just ask you to be respectful of my creative property. Please feel free to contact me with any questions! Thanks! :)

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